Volunteers at Nakayoshi’s main shifts will mainly be servers and waiting tables. Each person will be in charge of one table and pass out food and drinks to everyone seated there. They’ll also be in charge of making sure everyone is getting food at their table and clearing off any trash/leftovers. There will be a Floor Manager during your shift who you can go to if you have any questions such as when to bring out food.
To sign up for a volunteer shift, go to:
Lunch will be provided for volunteers. Dress code is black pants and white shirt. Wear clothing that you are comfortable wearing in the event of spilling during food handling. Please call Nakayoshi volunteer coordinator Haruka Roudebush at (415) 203-7002 upon arrival, or ask of JCCCNC staffer Aya Ino to be placed during your shift. Please e-mail nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com if you have any questions prior to the event.
Below is more information on the event from the JCCCNC:
Since the first Japanese immigrants arrived in America (San Francisco) over 140 years ago, they celebrated good times and difficult times with food. This concept that we gather around the table to eat, celebrate, remember and rejoice has been handed down through the generations. The early Issei had no money to go to fancy hotels or restaurants, but they could bring their favorite dishes to the table and the family and the community would gather.
This year we dedicate the event to the Issei, Nisei, Sansei, Yonsei and to GENERATIONS to come. To the Issei and Nisei who displayed uncommon strength, courage, selfless giving and unrelenting spirit, we honor them for their guidance, inspiration and foresight in maintaining our culture and sense of community through the food that they shared with us. To the Sansei, Yonsei and future generations, we share the cooking traditions of our Japanese culture that were so lovingly passed on through the years. Through these generations our food both traditional and new has become international culinary delights and experiences.
For more information on the Tabemasho! event or the JCCCNC, please go to http://www.jcccnc.org/.
What: Volunteering at JCCCNC’s Annual Fundraiser “Tabemasho: From Generation to Generation”
Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010
Location: Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California (JCCCNC), 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco
Shift Times: Setup (anytime between noon-5pm), Shift 1 (3-5:30pm), Shift 2 (5:30-8pm), Cleanup (7:30-11pm)
To sign up for a shift go to: http://www1.mysignup.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?datafile=nakayoshijcccnctabemashovolunteers