Our next volunteer event will be volunteering at the Mountain View Buddhist Temple Obon Festival on Sunday July 17, 2011. We’ll be helping cover 2-hour shifts from noon to 6pm at various food and game booths at the festival
Please sign up for shifts online directly on the shifts set up by MVBT via the links provided below. The links below have time slots for both Saturday and Sunday, so be sure to sign up for Sunday (7/17/11). The tempura booth has a lot of available time slots and they have personally reached out to Nakayoshi for our help.
We hope you can make it out to this fun and exciting volunteer opportunity!
For those of you unfamiliar with obon, obon is an annual Buddhist holiday to honor one’s departed ancestors. Many Japanese Buddhist temples hold a festival in conjunction with this holiday, which are often one of the biggest local community events of the year. Mountain View Buddhist Temple holds one of the largest obons in the Bay Area, which will include lots of great food, game and drink booths, as well as an optional Buddhist religious service and will culminate in a traditional obon dance (bon-dori) open to anyone to participate in. Obons are also a fun opportunity to come out dressed in more traditional Japanese dress, so come out sporting your yukata or hapi-coats if you have them!
Dharma School Game boothsUdon prep
Beef teriyaki boothTempura boothChicken teriyaki booth
Thanks, and we hope you can join us!