Greetings Day Walkers,
This October, Nakayoshi has more events lined up than a Trick-or-treating kid with a sweet tooth!
Saturday, October 22, 2011,
We’re kicking off our weekend with Sansei Live!
Step out for a night of music and friendship to support Kimochi!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
We regroup to plan even more events in our October General Meeting.
Come get involved and see how you can help make the community a better place.
Friday, October 28, 2011
No Halloween is complete without some screams, so gear up with us as we volunteer at the annual JCCCNC Family Halloween Carnival.
Those kids asked for it, Trick or Treat!
Sunday, October 29, 2011
Instead of a pumpkin, get a turkey for Halloween. Join us for Halloween Bowling!
No candy bowl can compare to the sweet taste of victory!
This month has a little something for all you un-dead, so join us as we celebrate the month of Halloween!