On Saturday, November 3rd, we volunteered at the San Francisco Food Bank. In the first shift, Graig, Hisae, Atsushi, and Erika sorted corn which we divided according to freshness into separate boxes. Later when Hisae and Erika completed their task of sorting corn following break time, they joined Graig and Atsushi in filling medium-sized cardboard boxes, assembled by volunteers, with squash until the end of the first shift.
The second shift began at 12:30, and Graig, Keith, and Erika were off to box carrots. Keith taped boxes and Graig and Erika along with other volunteers filled them with carrots. It was uplifting to volunteer alongside so many who devote their time and effort to such an important cause which allows families and individuals to live comfortably and survive. After their break, volunteers were directed to form an assembly line in a group of six at each table to bag rice.  Erika and Keith scooped rice from their sacks into a large bin and also scooped rice into plastic bags. Graig was responsible for ensuring that the bag of rice weighed exactly one pound. The last steps in the assembly line entailed one volunteer to seal the bags and another to label them with a sticker.
Towards the end, the supervisor gave a very heartfelt speech that expressed their utmost appreciation and gratitude to all the volunteers. Afterwards, Erika, Keith, and Graig went on the tour to gain more in-depth knowledge about the organization. All of our volunteers had an enjoyable and rewarding experience volunteering for the SF Food Bank. For more information on the organization and to learn about all the ways in which you can help, check out their website, http://www.sffoodbank.org/.