Our friends at APIA Vote need your help, if you’re available and want to be more involved, check out the opportunities they’re offering!

Immediate action needed if you’re interested, so check it out or pass it along to people who may be interested.

Are you a California Attorney, Law Student, and/or Volunteer Looking to help protect voters’ rights on November 4?

Volunteer to do Voter Protection in NEVADA w/ APIAVote!

APIAVote is working in coalition with the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund and the AFL-CIO Voter Protection program in Las Vegas to ensure that AAPIs are treated fairly on Election Day and have the opportunity to voice their preferences and concerns.

You will monitor poll sites for compliance with the Voting Rights Act and the Help America Vote Act. Volunteer attorneys check to see whether Asian-language voting assistance is provided (such as ballots, interpreters, signs and voting materials), whether voter identification requirements are implemented in a non-discriminatory manner, and whether provisional ballots are offered to voters whose names are not in voter lists.

TRAINING will be held at the following location and times:

When: Monday, November 3 at 2 PM, 4 PM and 6 PM
Where: Laborers Local 872- Suite 101, 4201 East Bonanza

HEADQUARTERS on Election Day:
Where: Laborers Local 872 -Suite 330, 4201 East Bonanza

TO SIGN UP OR FIND OUT MORE: Please email Kathleen at kathleen@apiavote.org or call 301-704-0536.

Interested in volunteering in other states? Please go to www.aaldef.org/vote2008 for a full list of polling sites nationwide.

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