We skiied, we boarded, we drank, and we formed alliances in the tribe by the campfire.
Needless to say, good times were had at the 1st Annual Nakayoshi Ski Trip on February 27-March 1. But it didnt come without its flaws and next year we will be better prepared with lodging, organizing and (what emily calls) “structured fun”.
THANK YOU to all 27 of you fun people that attended. Shout out to Berkeley NSU for joining in the group ticket rate (otherwise we would all be less $22) and for sharing in the festivities Saturday night.
A very extra special thank you to all the carpool drivers (organized by Atsushi), and the cooking crew (headed by Megumi, Aileen and Sam!) Check out our ski trip memories here: http://picasaweb.google.com/nakayoshi.ncwnp/2009NakayoshiSkiTripNorthstar?feat=email#
Bummed that you missed out OR cant wait to hang out with us again? Not to worry- the Social Committee (atsushi, matt & ali) are now furiously planning a super fun summer Nakayoshi camping trip! More news to come.