Hey guys! Hope you’re enjoying the warmer weather. Come out and join Nakayoshi on Saturday 4/25/09 for our monthly Social event in Half Moon Bay. Here’s the meeting location per Google Maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=higgins+canyon+road+at+main+st+half+moon+bay+ca&sll=37.464384,-122.437563&sspn=0.009078,0.019226&ie=UTF8&ll=37.451456,-122.429388&spn=0.009079,0.019226&z=16&iwloc=addr
If you need a ride or have room in your car, please email me so I can coordinate carpools. FYI the location is about an hour from SF, Oakland, and San Jose. Due to lack of cell phone coverage in the hills, we’ll initially meet at the corner of Main St & Higgins Canyon Rd, just off of Hwy 1 – at 9:45am. Then drive up together to the trailhead (about 10 minutes up Higgins Caynon Rd).
*Please call me if you are running late or have to cancel last minute*
We’ll start the hike around 10am and should last about 3-3.5 hours. Bring your own lunch and snacks and so can all eat somewhere near the top while we take a rest. This page has detailed info on the hike: http://www.bahiker.com/southbayhikes/purisimahiggins.html (the trails are clearly marked)
Although the event officially ends after the hike, we can hit up the beach afterwards to relax before heading back to our respective locations. Here’s the site for the beach: http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=531This is optional, but the easiest way to get to the beach is to head back up North on Hwy 1 and take a left at Kelly Ave follow that all the way to the parking lot.
Items to bring:
-Lots of water (~1.5-2 liters)
-Lunch, snacks to eat at the top
-Sunblock (trail is mostly shaded, but some exposed areas)
It should be fairly warm on the trail so you should be okay with a t-shirt, but conditions can change. You might want to wear layers if the weather’s less than ideal.
Please contact Atsushi if you have any questions or comments: nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com. Hope to see you all out there!