Hello Nakayoshi members! Time for the September monthly update!
Thank you to everyone who came out to our events in August! We hope you’ve all been enjoying the monthly volunteer and social events we’ve been busy putting together for everyone! Since our last update, Nakayoshi had a blast camping and kayaking up at Tahoe, got down to business at our quarterly planning meeting, and cheered on as Ichiro collected his 2,000th major league hit against the Oakland A’s at their Japanese Heritage Day game.
We have more great stuff coming your way the rest of this month, including volunteering at the JCCCNC’s annual event, a happy hour networking mixer in conjunction with the Kearny Street Workshop’s 11th Annual APAture festival featuring emerging API artists, and our next sushi-making class fundraiser at the JCCCNC taught by Nakayoshi’s resident sushi chefs, Graig and Sean Inaba. For those of you interested in career development activities, help out our Career Development committee by giving us some feedback and filling out our quick survey! More details in the rest of the update below!
Have any comments, suggestions or questions? Want to RSVP or sign up for an event? Feel free to leave any comments on our blog at https://nakayoshi.org/, Facebook group page, or e-mail us at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com.
In this update:
Nakayoshi Career Development Membership Survey
9/19/09 – Volunteering at the JCCCNC’s annual event, Tabemasho!
9/23/09 – APAture 2009 Happy Hour Networking Mixer
9/27/09 – Nakayoshi Sushi-Making Class
Save the date! Upcoming event in October
10/24/09 – Irrashai Nomikai New Member Mixer
More events to come!
Nakayoshi Career Development Membership SurveyAs a young professionals organization, part of Nakayoshi’s mission is to provide resources and programming focusing on personal and career development for our membership. To help us meet this goal of addressing your needs as young professionals, please take a couple quick minutes to fill out our online survey to help us assess what sort of career-related events and activities you all want to see us put together for you!
Check out the survey at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=2H4JHFqcnUQ5MxHEIGpJqQ_3d_3d
Interested in joining our career development committee? E-mail us at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com!
Saturday, September 19: Volunteer at JCCCNC’s annual event, Tabemasho! (Let’s Eat!)The JCCCNC is hosting its annual event, Tabemasho (Let’s Eat!), on Saturday, September 19, 2009 at the JCCCNC on 1840 Sutter Street in San Francisco. This year’s event will celebrate 140 years of Japanese food in America and will honor the Japanese American food industry in America. The event will also introduce the community cookbook, Nikkei Potluck. Come help out with the rest of the Nakayoshi crew!
Nakayoshi will be providing volunteers for the event. There are 3 separate 3 hour shifts:
12:00PM-3:00PM – Set Up Shift (10 volunteers)
3:00PM-6:00PM – Decorating Shift (6 volunteers)
5:00PM-8:00PM – Program Volunteers (15 volunteers w/dresscode – Semi-formal dinner attire)
Please let us know if you are willing to help out with this great cause! We need sign ups soon so please let us know what shifts you’d like to volunteer!
Email us at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com with your name, telephone contact for the day of, and which shift you’d like. More information on the event at the JCCCNC’s website at: http://www.jcccnc.org/events/dinner.htm
What: Volunteering at JCCCNC’s annual event, Tabemasho! (Let’s Eat!)
Date: Saturday, September 19, 2009
Location: JCCCNC, 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Time: Noon-3pm set up shift, 3-6pm decorating shift, 5-8pm program volunteers (semi-formal attire for program volunteers)
RSVP to volunteer on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=30593261168&ref=ts#/event.php?eid=149504265232
Wednesday, September 23: APAture Happy Hour Networking MixerJoin Nakayoshi and members of 9 other Asian American professional organizations for an evening of networking and art at a networking happy hour for Kearny Street Workshop’s 11th annual APAture Festival, featuring emerging Asian American artists. We’ll be mixing it up and perusing festival artwork at the Goforaloop Gallery in San Francisco on Wednesday, September 23 from 6:30-8:30pm. Definitely come out with your friends for a little mingling and to check out some amazing artwork! Admission is FREE, cash bar at the gallery.
For more information on Kearny Street Workshop and the APAture Festival running from September 17-26, go to: http://www.kearnystreet.org/apature
What: APAture Happy Hour Networking Mixer
When: Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Where: Goforaloop Gallery, 1458 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Price: FREE Admission, cash bar
RSVP on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=30593261168&ref=ts#/event.php?eid=129940627012
Sunday, September 27: Tabemasho! Nakayoshi Sushi-Making Class at JCCCNCLearn how to make your own delicious sushi! Nakayoshi’s very own Graig and Sean Inaba will be instructing our second workshop hosted by the JCCCNC, where they will demonstrate and teach participants everything from making sushi vinegar to rolling traditional hosomaki rolls, hand/cone rolls, nigiri and Americanized sushi rolls! Space is limited to the first 25 participants, so sign up ASAP! Price is $30 for JCCCNC members, $40 for general public, and includes all materials.
A portion of the proceeds will also benefit Nakayoshi directly, so sign up to learn how to make your own sushi while supporting your favorite young professionals organization!
To sign up, contact the JCCCNC directly at (415) 567-5505 or e-mail programsevents@jcccnc.org
In case you missed it, check out our video highlighting the last sushi-making class we did at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yui5CRSCjyI&feature=channel_page
What: Tabemasho! Nakayoshi Sushi-Making Class at JCCCNC
When: Sunday, September 27, 2009
Where: JCCCNC, 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Time: 1-4pm
Price: $30 JCCCNC members, $40 general public (materials provided)
RSVP: (415) 567-5505, programsevents@jcccnc.org
Save the date! Upcoming October event:
Saturday, October 24, 2009: Irrashai Nomikai New Member Mixer
Haven’t made it out to one of our events yet? Haven’t come out in a while? Our Irrashai (welcome!) Nomikai New Member Mixer is the perfect chance for new and old Nakayoshi members to come out and get to know the rest of our regulars in a relaxed social setting over food and drinks. More details and other events to come!
Of course there’s no reason to wait until the new member mixer to start coming out to our events! We’re always happy to see you come out, get involved with Nakayoshi and the community, and have a great time with the rest of your Nakayoshi friends! Remember to e-mail us or RSVP on Facebook if you’re coming out, and join our Facebook group if you haven’t already! See you soon!
All Nakayoshi events are free and open to anyone unless otherwise noted. Feel free to forward this message along to your friends or anyone interested. Not on the Nakayoshi e-mail list? Click here to subscribe. Have questions? Want to sign up or RSVP for an event? E-mail Nakayoshi at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com. For additional information and updates, be sure to check the Nakayoshi blog or find our group page on Facebook! Nakayoshi is a program sponsored by the Northern California Western Nevada Pacific District of the Japanese American Citizens League.