We want to take the time to introduce ourselves to our new members, whether you’re brand new or just haven’t had the chance to make it to an event yet. Please come out so we can get to know you!
Come join Nakayoshi for an evening of fun and celebration over food and drinks. We will be playing some traditional Japanese games and some very non-conventional American ones.
Dinner and drinks start at 8pm at Ryoko’s Japanese Restaurant and Bar in downtown San Francisco for $20/person. It’s already looking like a lively night, with 28 guests RSVP’d so far, so make sure to RSVP by this Saturday, October 17th at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com, or on the Facebook event invitation to make sure you get a spot at the table!
What: Irrashai Nomikai New Member Mixer
When: Saturday, October 24, 2009
Where: Ryoko’s Japanese Restaurant and Bar, 619 Taylor Street, between Post and Sutter, San Francisco, CA
Time: 8:00-11:00pm
Price: $20 for dinner/drinks
RSVP by 10/17/09 on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=30593261168&ref=ts#/event.php?eid=163505570419