Happy holidays from your friends at Nakayoshi!
As 2009 draws to a close, we’d like to thank everyone who has come out to all of our social and volunteer events this past year. Nakayoshi has grown tremendously in both number and capacity in just a year and a half since we held our first event. We could not have done it without your continued support and enthusiastic participation! We’d also like to thank our main sponsor, the NCWNP District of the Japanese American Citizens League, as well as our many community partners who we’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with, including the JCCCNC, AsianWeek Foundation, JCYC and Kearny Street Workshop, among others.
We hope to see some of you at our 2nd annual holiday party, and for the rest of you, we hope you can make it out to some of the great events we already have underway for 2010. We’ll be volunteering in January at the JCCCNC’s Oshogatsu (New Year’s) Festival, and at the Bay Area Day of Remembrance in February. Make sure to save the date for our big social events coming up, including Golden State Warriors Asian American Heritage Night, and our annual Tahoe ski trip!
Again, have a safe and happy holiday, and if you can’t make it to the holiday party, we’ll see you in 2010!
In this update:
12/19/09 – Nakayoshi Core Holiday Party
1/9/10 – Volunteer at JCCCNC Oshogatsu Festival
1/22/10 – Golden State Warriors Asian American Heritage Night
2/21/10 – Bay Area Day of Remembrance
2/26/10-2/28/10 – Tahoe Ski Trip
Other community events:
12/19-20/09 – nihonmachiROOTS Japantown Friends and Family Shopping Weekend
Saturday, December 19, 2009: Nakayoshi Core Holiday Party
Nakayoshi Chair Megumi Kaminaga is once again graciously hosting our 2nd annual Nakayoshi Core Holiday Party! The party starts at 6pm on Saturday, December 19, and will include delicious potluck, white elephant gift exchange ($5 value maximum), gingerbread house decorating, games, and an overall fun night celebrating the holidays with the Nakayoshi crew! Everyone is welcome, but space is limited, so RSVP ASAP at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming.
What: Nakayoshi Core Holiday Party
When: Saturday, December 19, 2009
Time: Party starts at 6:00pm
Location: Location given upon RSVP
Bring: Potluck items/beverages/wrapped white elephant gift for exchange ($5 max)
RSVP : nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com
Saturday, January 9, 2010: Volunteering at JCCCNC’s Oshogatsu Festival
Ring in the new year with Nakayoshi volunteers at the JCCCNC’s annual Oshogatsu (New Year’s) Festival. We’ll be helping once again with arts and crafts activities for children, traditional mochitsuki (New Year’s rice pounding) and take in the cultural performances and more! Volunteers are needed for setup, assistance at crafts tables for children and for cleanup. Setup begins at 9am, the event runs from 11am-3pm, with cleanup after. Please e-mail us at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com and let us know if you can help out, even if it’s only for an hour or two!
What: Volunteering at JCCCNC’s Oshogatsu Festival
When: Saturday, January 9, 2010
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm (2 hour shifts)
Location: JCCCNC, 1840 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA
RSVP: nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com
Friday, January 22, 2010: Golden State Warriors Asian American Heritage Night
We know all you NBA basketball fans have been waiting a whole year for one of Nakayoshi’s biggest social events/fundraisers: Asian American Heritage Night with the Golden State Warriors! Come out and cheer for your team take on Yi Jianlian and the New Jersey Nets in Nakayoshi’s section!
We’ve worked out online ticket sales with the Warriors, so stop reading this and buy your tickets NOW!!! Tickets are $28, $6 of which goes directly back to support Nakayoshi, and an additional $2 supports the SF Hepatitis B Free Campaign! Free T-shirt with ticket purchase! Plus we’ll be playing the hapless NJ Nets, so it’s totally a win-win situation for everyone–you, Nakayoshi, SF Hep B Free, and of course, the Warriors!
Here’s how to get your tickets:
1.) Click on https://www.gs-warriors.com/forms/secure/fct_asianamerican10.html
2.) Join us at the $28.00 level — $6.00 of your ticket purchase will automatically go back to Nakayoshi, $2 to SF Hep B Free!
3.) Before you check out BE SURE TO WRITE “NAKAYOSHI” IN THE QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS BOX. This makes sure that you sit with us and your donation comes back to us.
That’s it. Bring out your friends and family for a great time out with Nakayoshi and the Golden State Warriors at Oracle Arena! Go DUBS!!!
What: Golden State Warriors Asian American Heritage Night
When: Friday, January 22, 2010
Time: 7pm
Where: Oracle Arena, Oakland, CA
Price: $28
Buy tickets online at: https://www.gs-warriors.com/forms/secure/fct_asianamerican10.html (make sure to write “Nakayoshi” in the questions and comments box!)
Weekend of February 26-28, 2010: Nakayoshi Tahoe Ski Trip
Time to start waxing your snowboard or skis! Our social committee is busy making arrangements for our annual winter trip to Tahoe. We’ll be hitting the slopes of Northstar by day and relaxing and hanging out by night back at the cabin. More information and pricing to come, but spaces are already filling up (we’re almost at 20 people already!), so be sure to reserve your spot and save the date now!
Check for more information on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211107058728&index=1
What: Nakayoshi Tahoe Ski Trip
When: Weekend of February 26-28, 2010
Where: Northstar at Tahoe/Tahoe Cabin
Price: TBA
Updates/RSVP: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211107058728&index=1
Other Community Events:
December 19-20, 2009: nihonmachiROOTS Japantown Friends and Family Shopping Weekend
nihonmachiROOTS is a newly formed group of progressive young adults (including several members of Nakayoshi) focusing on issues affecting San Francisco Japantown, including the redrafting of the Japantown Better Neighborhood Plan.
Currently many Japantown businesses, especially those in the Japan Center mall, are experiencing rising operating expenses since the mall properties were sold in 2005. In order to help support local small businesses in Japantown, nihonmachiROOTS is putting together a Japantown Friends and Family Shopping Weekend on Saturday and Sunday, December 19 and 20 from 11-3pm. The Friends and Family Shopping Weekend will feature discounts from many participating Japantown businesses and restaurants, and a free entry in a raffle drawing for customers with receipts of purchases from 3 or more Japantown businesses during the weekend event.
Check for more event information and links to sale coupons at: http://www.japantownnow.com
What: nihonmachiROOTS Japantown Friends and Family Shopping Weekend
When: Saturday and Sunday, December 19-20
Time: 11-3pm
More info and coupons: http://www.japantownnow.com
February 21, 2009: Bay Area Day of Remembrance
As the Bay Area Day of Remembrance Consortium continues to prepare for the event on February 21, 2009, we are still welcoming additional volunteers and energetic new members to join the planning committee. Come be a part of next year’s community-wide event honoring the history and legacy of the Japanese American experience in WWII and beyond.
What: 2010 Bay Area Day of Remembrance Planning Committee Meetings
When: Next meeting: Thursday, December 17, 2009
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Where: JACL National Headquarters, 1765 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA
RSVP: bayareadayofremembrance@gmail.com
Stay warm everyone, and we’ll see you soon!
All Nakayoshi events are free and open to anyone unless otherwise noted. Feel free to forward this message along to your friends or anyone interested. Not on the Nakayoshi e-mail list? Click here to subscribe. Have questions? Want to sign up or RSVP for an event? E-mail Nakayoshi at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com. For additional information and updates, be sure to check the Nakayoshi blog or find our group page on Facebook! Nakayoshi is a program sponsored by the Northern California Western Nevada Pacific District of the Japanese American Citizens League.