We hope you can make it out to our Nomikai Welcome Mixer, this time at Goemon Japanese Restaurant in SF’s Inner Sunset district! In Japan, a “nomikai” is a get-together (usually over drinks) where people can meet and mingle.

We want to take the time to introduce ourselves to our new members. Whether you’re brand new and just haven’t had the chance to make it to a Nakayoshi event yet, or if you’re a regular and want to catch up with your Nakayoshi friends, we’d love to see you come out so we can get to know you better! The nomikai is a great place to get to know Nakayoshi regulars and to find out more about the fun social events and volunteer activities Nakayoshi puts on.

The Nakayoshi Welcome Nomikai will not only feature drinks and delicious Japanese appetizers and sushi rolls from Goemon, but a couple fun social games and mixing and mingling with other young adults from across the Bay Area!

Come join Nakayoshi for an evening of fun and celebration over great food and drinks. Don’t miss it!

What: Nakayoshi Nomikai Welcome Mixer
Date: Saturday, October 9, 2010
Time: 7-10pm
Location: Goemon Japanese Restaurant, 1524 Irving Street (Between 16th and 17th Avenue), San Francisco, CA
Cost: $20/person at the door for food and beverages
RSVP On Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=30593261168&ref=ts#!/event.php?eid=154998927856534 or e-mail us at nakayoshi.ncwnp@gmail.com

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