Nakayoshi is now on Facebook!

If you’re on Facebook, you can now find our group page and click to join at: Nakayoshi Facebook Group You can also RSVP for the Meet & Greet BBQ on June 29th on our Facebook event invitation at: Meet & Greet BBQ Facebook event invitation

Meet & Greet BBQ

Nakayoshi is having a Meet & Greet BBQ Sunday, June 29th in Golden Gate Park. Join us for some sun (we hope), food (of course), and fun (tons of it)!

Hello world!

Nakayoshi (meaning circle of friendship in Japanese) is a group for young professionals. It’s for recent college grads who miss the spirit of activism and sense of camaraderie they enjoyed back on campus in their student orgs. It’s for burnt out 9-to-5ers who want to balance their daily grind with something that feels meaningful and […]